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Conestogo lakeLake simcoeRainy lakeLake mindemoyaLake st. clairLake timiskamingLoch lomondKawartha lakesGreat sacandaga lakeLake temagamiLac saint-jeanLake saint-louisLake coeur d'aleneSkaha lakeOkanagan lakeLake of the woodsCopco lakeManicouagan reservoirLake crescentLake hindmarshLake winnipegLake onslowShuswap lakeSikome lakeLake melvilleKalamalka lakeLake manitouTrinity lakeDouglas lakeCamanche reservoirLake ruataniwhaToronto waterfrontLake diefenbakerLake tilleryLake cushmanAbraham lakeLake almanorLake oconeeLake bomoseenCultus lake, british columbiaLake unionKodaikanal lakeLake victoriaLake lanierLake burley griffinSquam lakeLake tremblantLake memphremagogLake sammamishLake bonney riverlandShasta lakeHigh rock lakeLake wylieKinbasket lakeLake okeechobeeLake of the ozarksLake isabellaNettilling lakeLake elsinoreLake jamesHalifax harbourLake abitibiLake allatoonaLake gordonLake orovilleLake lillinonahLake nockamixonManitoulin islandGeneva lakeLake mononaMille lacs lakeDurgam cheruvuLake calirayaLake onegaLake senftenbergBde maka skaFalls lakeLake georgeColumbia lakeLake horowhenuaOsoyoos lakeDease lakeLake newellCherokee lakeLake tahoeLake shelbyvilleMoraine lakeLake mendotaBig stone lakeLake cascadeLake washingtonLake mercedLake watereeBull shoals lakeCranberry lakeTsimlyansk reservoirLake winnipesaukeeSan andreas lakeLake hartwellPresqu'ile provincial park