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Law of franceRegulation no 1169/2011German wine classificationDin en iso 9712Carte vitaleIso/iec 17025Civil code of quebecMade in euCompanies act 2006Law on the state educationGovernment of franceRed seal programInsee codeRegulationNational identity cardNational assembly of quebecCanadian food inspection agencyProcess safety managementOrdre des arts et des lettresRoad signs in polandRecycling in japanBusiness franceQuebec lawPrefecture of policeRace relations act 1976EudragmpNotified bodyFederal standard 595Bar of quebecNational organic programLaw of japanCanadian human rights actIso 31000French development agencyHealth care in franceFrench civil serviceEuropean food safety authorityBritish standardsForm fda 483Road signs in germanyConsumer protection act 1987Philippine quality awardHealth canadaSerbian nationality lawMonnaie de parisPhytosanitary certificationCanadian electrical codeNorthern ireland act 2006Government gazetteLaw of north koreaTa luftSwiss civil codeConstitution of japanBank of franceMisrepresentation act 1967South korean nationality lawConsolidation of labor lawsTracfinCode of federal regulationsAlcohol laws of new yorkFraud act 2006Bs 5930OrdinanceBeckham lawConsumer protection act, 1986Civil code of russiaCopenhagen criteriaLabour lawConstitution of bulgariaAlgerian nationality lawGeneva sealGovernment of quebecMurderTerritorial collectivityCoscIso 45001California consumer privacy actEidasSenegalese nationality lawRegulatory reform order 2005Fair work act 2009Age discrimination act 2004Latvian identity cardRetail price indexRoad signs in norwayAgmarkIsi markEudralexSingle territorial collectivityItu radio regulationsRomanian identity cardRoad signs in greeceSolvency iiHong kong basic lawCanada act 1982Judiciary of swedenResident identity cardHuman rights in south koreaEuropean union lawSafe drinking water act