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Knights of pythiasPatriotic order sons of americaKnights templarNative sons of the golden westSociety of the cincinnatiImproved order of red menKnights of columbusKnights of saint columbanusShrinersOdd fellowsOrder of free gardenersKnights of peter claverFraternal order of policeForesters friendly societyLoyal order of mooseKappa alpha societyOrder sons of italy in americaRed cross of constantineE clampus vitusIndependent order of odd fellowsSwedish order of freemasonsFraternityGrand lodge of new yorkOrder of the holy sepulchrePhi delta phiApprentice boys of derryThe druid orderIndependent order of rechabitesSons of the american revolutionDelta sigma piDaughters of americaTau beta piSons of temperanceOrder of the arrowSons of the revolutionAncient order of hiberniansPhi kappa phiIlluminating engineering societyLotos clubEmerald societyFreemasonry in swedenForesters financialModern woodmen of americaKiwanisSociety of american magiciansGrand lodge of pennsylvaniaOrder of knight masonsSociety of the holy nameNational negro business leagueOrdo templi orientisSigma xiBook and snakeRoyal historical societyAmerican unitarian associationNational eagle scout associationSovereign military order of maltaLions clubs internationalPi beta phiAmerican temperance societySea orgHakluyt societyAmerican pharmacists associationGalloping goose motorcycle clubBenefit societyJuntoOrder of the eastern starAnglo-german fellowshipTiandihuiOrder of military medical meritDemolay internationalAlpha beta gammaPilgrims societyAgape lodgeFriends of new germanyEagle forumAmerican historical associationFranciscan friars of the renewalCharity organization societyPhi beta kappaDaughters of isisRoyal photographic societySociety of saint pius vPhi muCauliflower alley clubOutlaws motorcycle clubAmerican philosophical societyOrder of the solar templeSocietas rosicruciana in angliaSons of the american legionChi omegaPaulist fathersRosicrucian fellowshipChi phiRational dress societyOrder of mark master masonsHistoric new englandOrder of the british empireAlpha epsilon phiSt. cecilia societyFederal council of churches