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KnightsTemplarChivalryKnightKnights templarKnights of the round tableMaltese crossSupreme order of christOrder of chivalryClose helmetCommanderCastleOrder of santiagoAccoladeMedieval aestheticsOrder of saint lazarusMedieval technologyOrder of pope pius ixOrder of the red eagleBaucentHistory of the order of christOrder of the holy spiritSquireNobilityTabardPaladinKnight's feeClan ostojaKnight-servicePapal nobilityKnights hospitallerOrder of the black eagleSurcoatAdelantadoRitterPolish cavalryImperial, royal and noble ranksHouse of ibelinKnight of kerryOrder of the garterMedieval architectureKingdom of burgundyKnight of justiceOrder of the thistleDragoon guardsGothic plate armourBrigandineOrder of montesaCommanderyHoly grailPortuguese nobilityNobles of the swordPrioryRound tableHohenstaufenSerbia in the middle agesFranklinCompurgationAristocracyCarolingianCoat of arms of lithuaniaMedieval warfareTeutonic orderHobelarDuke of swabiaImperial knightFraternal orderKnight-errantFeudal dutiesEcclesiastical titles and stylesRolandNoble guardBanderoleHouse of courtenayHuguenotCavalierLanded nobilityAnglo-saxon dressFrench nobilityEarl of pembrokeSaracenGrand crossMilitary order of savoyOrder of st patrickOrder of the redeemerEnnoblementChildeEnglish heraldryCrown of charlemagneLords spiritualCommendation ceremonyHouse order of hohenzollernChandlerPapal tiaraOrder of saint hubertEstates of the realmPageboyFeudalism in englandOrder of the crescentCroatian nobility