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General electric j31Junkers jumo 004Junkers jumo 210Rolls-royce meteorAllison j35General electric i-aRolls-royce eagleChrysler a57 multibankDaimler-benz db 600Allison v-1710Klimov vk-1Ford 3-ton m1918Curtiss ox-5T17e1 staghoundHeinkel hes 3General electric cj805M1917 light tankCavalier mustangNorth american b-45 tornadoJunkers jumo 205Heinkel he 178Ford gaa enginePratt & whitney r-4360 wasp majorPratt & whitney j75General electric j73Pratt & whitney j57Daimler-benz db 601Continental o-240Allison t38Allison v-3420Humber armoured carM4 tractorM2 half-track carRolls-royce vultureM6 tractorRolls-royce conwayJunkers jumo 213Pratt & whitney r-1340 waspDaimler-benz db 605M44 self-propelled howitzerRolls-royce derwentJunkers jumo 211Napier nomadArmstrong siddeley sapphireT30 howitzer motor carriageGeneral electric ge4Pratt & whitney r-2000 twin waspT28 super heavy tankRepublic p-47 thunderbolt variantsM46 pattonHeinkel he 280Liberty truckDisston tractor tankTurbomeca artousteM16 multiple gun motor carriageSchneider ca1Boeing yb-9Pobjoy niagara4.5-inch gun m1Hispano-suiza 12yHarley-davidson wlaMitsubishi kinseiM3 gun motor carriageHeavy tank m6Aerojet m-1Rolls-royce wellandBmw 003Pratt & whitney r-1690 hornetM12 gun motor carriageJunkers jumo 204M39 armored utility vehicleDaimler-benz db 603Curtiss xa-14Fiat 2000Arado ar 234Detroit diesel 110T92 light tankFiat a.74T55e1 gun motor carriageCenturionM4 shermanJeep trailerGeneral electric j47M36 tank destroyerM19 multiple gun motor carriageT34 heavy tankDe havilland gyron juniorT2 tankerBell p-63 kingcobraPratt & whitney jt3dM2 light tankJunkers f 13Bell 30Bristol proteusFordson wotDaimler armoured carOtto engineContinental o-190T92 howitzer motor carriageDe havilland gipsy six