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Political partiesThe theory of money and creditMachiavellianismLiberalismThe concept of the politicalPoliticsTheory of international politicsEntitlement theoryThe road to serfdomT.h. marshall's social citizenshipBureaucracyDas kapitalCapitalism and freedomPolitics as a vocationThe state and revolutionPolitical consciousnessPolitics among nationsHegemony and socialist strategyThe three types of legitimate ruleThe communist manifestoThe use of knowledge in societyThe princeThe constitution of libertyPrinciples of political economyFlorentine historiesRequiem for the american dreamManufacturing consentPure theory of lawMalthusianismLiberal fascismThe fourth political theoryPreussentum und sozialismusSocialism or barbarismHow democracies dieConspicuous leisureA theory of justiceGovernmentalityScience as a vocationThe principles of communismCircular cumulative causationDouble movementThe origin of capitalismThe origins of political orderOriental despotismDiscourses on livyHuman actionThe price of inequalityLabor and monopoly capitalThe doctrine of fascismThe soldier and the stateAn economic theory of democracyThe myth of the twentieth centuryThe logic of collective actionThe great illusionProgress and povertyFundamental psychological lawMain currents of marxismRacial capitalismAnarchy is what states make of itThe wealth and poverty of nationsThe denationalization of moneyThe antitrust paradoxAnarchismTheses on feuerbachThe social contractThe political unconsciousDialectic of enlightenmentSpin dictatorsImperialismThe third industrial revolutionPropagandaThe authoritarian personalityFederalist no. 1Race and economicsDiscourse on inequalityThe fatal conceitThe true believerThe calculus of consentMaterialism and empirio-criticismScientific socialismDisciplinary institutionAesthetic theoryThe crisis of democracyThe open society and its enemiesMimetic theoryRevolt against the modern worldA behavioral theory of the firmBait and bleedThe accursed shareThe global minotaurRobert's rules of orderPolitical ponerologyThe human conditionOn human natureThe lucifer principleTranscendental idealismMarxism and the national questionThe ego and its ownThe german ideologyManagement by objectives