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Celtic seaSt george's channelEnglish channelNorth seaNorth channelBritish islesThese islandsIslands of the north atlanticBritish isles and irelandSea of the hebridesBaltic seaIrelandGreat britain and irelandIsland of irelandGreenland seaNorwegian seaBritish and irish islesAnglo-celtic islesAtlantic islesBlack seaMediterranean seaNorth atlanticGalway bayEireNorth atlantic oceanAll-irelandShannonSoutheast icelandIonian seaCaribbean seaErythraean seaBering seaIcelandLabrador seaGreat britainBritainHebridesEast seaAdriatic seaAegean seaNorthern islesAtlantic oceanJava seaGreat seaContinentEast siberian seaBalticInner hebridesSea islandsWestern islesArabian seaIberian seaBalearic seaGreen isleVikingEuropeBay of biscayUistFaeroesAtlanticSouthern irelandPannonian seaSea of japanCaspian seaSouth seaInchGulf of finlandFair isleBiscayArchipelago seaAdriaticWendel seaGreater hebridesAegeanChesapeake bayIsle of manArabian gulfTerritorial seaIslaNorth waterIrbe straitGulf of rigaRepublic of irelandStrait of sicilyMediterraneanSouth atlanticPhilippine seaMarginal seaIsle of lewisTimor seaCoral seaRockallWadden seaBalkan peninsulaWestern seaSkyeOuter hebridesSea of marmaraUlsterBarents sea