MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Internet explorer version historyInternet explorerTridentInternet explorer 4Internet explorer 3Internet explorer for unixInternet explorer 6Internet explorer mobileInternet explorer 5FirefoxInternet explorer 9Internet explorer 2Ms-dosInternet information servicesAdobe flash playerFile explorerNetscape navigator 2Apple mailMacintoshAdobe flashOmniwebBbeditClassic mac osMailOutlook expressFirefox for iosMicrosoft edgeAdobe animateOutlook on the webMacbookAdobe shockwave playerNetscape communicatorInternet explorer 10Microsoft office 2004 for macInternet explorer 8EdgehtmlHistory of the web browserApple remote desktopMalwarebytesFirefox for androidMicrosoft frontpagePlayonmacNetscapeMacos serverKaspersky internet securityGoogle desktopAdobe illustratorMicrosoft blendAdobe indesignSamsung internetMicrosoft office 2008 for macImovieParallels desktop for macMicrosoft security essentialsGnome webFacetimePlayonlinuxSystem 7IworkA/uxInternet explorer 7AdblockMozilla application suiteApple tv appAol explorerMicrosoft compiled html helpAcdseeQuickbasicGoogle chrome appMicrosoft comic chatSystem 6Netscape mail & newsgroupsMacintosh programmer's workshopMicrosoft mailChrome remote desktopMacintosh quadra 800Mozilla thunderbirdImacMozilla vpnApple booksOs x lionMicrosoft launcherJava web startAvast secure browserAdobe pagemakerGnu icecatMicrosoft entourageGoogle chrome frameActive desktopSherlockEmacIpadosMicrosoft office 2000TerminalAdobe freehandTvosMusicHierarchical file systemCmd.exeMacos sierra