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International sanctionsSanctions against iranHumanitarian interventionMandateInternational lawSanctions against syriaIntergovernmental organizationInternational securityInternational courtSupranational unionCountry of particular concernDiplomatic recognitionMultilateralismUnited nationsArab league boycott of israelGlobal governanceTrade blocGenocide conventionArms controlEuropean union tax haven blacklistConference of the partiesFrozen conflictSwift ban against russian banksInternational human rights law2022 boycott of russia and belarusCoalition of the willingNon-aggression pactPeace treatyNuclear suppliers groupProtocol on incendiary weaponsNuclear proliferationEuropean neighbourhood policySecret treatyInterpol noticeEuropean balance of powerRussian 2022 war censorship lawsLogan actContact groupCoalitionLiberal international orderBrussels regimeConvention on the high seasGeneva protocolSelf-determinationSuperstateParis clubOecd anti-bribery conventionCollective securityBiological weapons conventionLiberal internationalismUnited nations security councilCold peaceEuropean integrationNew international economic orderFree trade agreementMultilateral export control regimeMultilateral treatyHague hijacking conventionAlien tort statuteCriticism of the united nationsProtocol iParis agreementClimate vulnerable forumSummitProtection of diplomats conventionPacific islands forumGroup of sevenPrimacy of european union lawUnited nations trusteeship councilHuman rights in chinaClimate emergency declarationEnhanced cooperationHague evidence conventionPartial nuclear test ban treatyMutual legal assistance treatyClimate governanceLagrand casePan-americanismEuropean troikaAntarctic treaty systemOuter space treatyAustralia groupJus gentiumEurozoneModel united nationsLatin unionKyoto protocolMexico city policyHeavily indebted poor countriesClean development mechanismCommon foreign and security policyRome statuteEntenteLiberal institutionalismNorth atlantic treatyMember state of the european unionSummit of the americasNationally determined contributionForeign sovereign immunities actGroup of 77