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Ict development indexGlobal peace indexOecd better life indexGlobal financial centres indexGlobal connectivity indexLogistics performance indexIndex of freedom in the worldBertelsmann transformation indexFinancial secrecy indexGlobal liveability rankingGood country indexHuman development indexEase of doing business indexEnvironmental vulnerability indexBlue dot networkOpen government partnershipClimate change performance indexGender inequality indexAsia-pacific economic cooperationGlobal methane initiativeCooperative patent classificationMultiple indicator cluster surveysIso 44001Oecd development centreIntegrated reviewTrips agreementDevelopment assistance committeeNuclear suppliers groupNew international economic orderGroup of sevenHuman poverty indexClean energy ministerialAsean free trade areaIso 10006Ipcc sixth assessment reportIso 21500OecdCommon reporting standardSdmxCredit rating agency reform actGulf cooperation councilBase erosion and profit shiftingNew engineering contractThe international pharmacopoeiaInternational age rating coalitionIso 20121Information technology agreementAtlanticaIbsa dialogue forumIso 14031United nationsDerwent world patents indexEuropean defence fundGlobal counterterrorism forumPatent familyInternational nuclear event scaleOnvifIntergovernmental organizationIso/iec 7812Energy charter treatyCodex alimentariusSustainable development goal 9Technology alert listNew development bankGlobal governanceGlobal stocktakeGlobal credit dataGlobal hunger indexNext generation science standardsPacific islands forumIso 37001International securityEoniaIso 13485Group of 77North american unionNationally determined contributionRegulation nmsBrain initiativeIndividual partnership action planCanzuk internationalTrans-pacific partnershipCis interparliamentary assemblyEurofusionEdifactTrade in services agreementAsean summitCommon coreMultilateral export control regimeOpenfog consortiumAfrican economic communityCopenhagen consensusTransnational capitalist classEuropean single marketBeneluxIec 61499Economy of portugalGlobal atm allianceGreen climate fundScience diplomacy