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National health serviceNhs trustMental health trustNhs walesNhs scotlandHealthcare in canadaClinical commissioning groupHealthcare in englandNhs foundation trustHealthcare in germanyHealthcare in scotlandClinical governanceHealthcare in indiaBeveridge modelHealth service executiveUnitary authorityNhs pension schemeMedicareNhs improvementHealth care in franceNhs englandCombined authorityHealth care in saudi arabiaAlberta health servicesHealthcare in singaporeLondon ambulance serviceDeaneryPublic sectorDistricts of englandEast of england ambulance serviceNhs numberNhsxCourts of england and walesNhs digitalCanada health actCare quality commissionMunicipal government in canadaFederationHomes englandEngland and walesHealthcare in russiaNhs grampianCommissioning support unitsPharmacy in the united kingdomNhs dentistryHealthcare in norwayCrown courtScottish ambulance serviceLondon planState governmentGeneral practiceHealthcare in thailandFederally facilitated marketplaceSocial security in swedenHealthcare in cubaSurrey county councilRegional districtPension protection fundQueensland healthEnvironmental stewardshipState partnership programFraser healthStatutory undertakerMunicipalityNhs connecting for healthNorth of tyne combined authorityRegions of the philippinesGloucestershire county councilGovernmentNhs primary care trustStatutory bodyPensions in japanChief medical officerDurham county councilDistrict health boardHealth ministerEnglish lawNatural englandFederated stateNew public managementRegional stateEuropean organisational lawHospital authorityCollaborative governanceNon-departmental public bodyNational insurance numberJudiciaries of the united kingdomHertfordshire county councilIntergovernmentalismMunicipal corporationJoint commissionLaw enforcement in belgiumPublic health englandEconomy of the united kingdomExecutive agencyGovernment of virginiaCrime in australiaRegional municipalityCountyOrdinance