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Iso 26262Iso 10006Iso 13485Iso 37001Iso 44001Iso 21500Iso 14031Iso 20121Iso 14064En 590Iec 63110Iec 61499Ssae no. 18Ohsas 18001The international pharmacopoeiaIso/iec jtc 1/sc 31New engineering contractIso/iec 7812European ecodesign directiveIec 62196Codex alimentariusDirective 89/391/eecGeneva convention on road trafficSdmxCorporate average fuel economyNist special publication 800-37Iso/iec jtc 1Solas conventionIec 60906-1Isbt 128European emission standardsIspm 15Credit rating agency reform actIas 39Common procurement vocabularyGlobal stocktakeMedical devices directiveMachinery directiveEn 1090Sustainable development goal 9Iso/iec jtc 1/sc 2Global connectivity indexRotterdam rulesRegulation nmsOnvifNfpa 72Regulation no. 305/2011Logistics performance indexEuropean standardStandardization agreementDirective 2012/18/euEdifactGlobal compact for migrationRotterdam conventionIcmje recommendationsRegulation 2017/745China rohsGdpr fines and noticesInternational fuel tax agreementIct development indexPeppolBattery directiveTir conventionEurasian conformity markHague rulesSustainable development goal 12European accessibility actRecreational craft directiveOpen government partnershipRegulation 2017/746Taric codeCommon reporting standardArtificial intelligence actEurocodesCapital requirements directivesImt-2020Single european skyClp regulationMadrid systemNuclear suppliers groupSingle administrative documentInformation society directivePayment services directiveInformation technology agreementInternational nuclear event scaleInternational innovation indexDirective 67/548/eecDrug quality and security actEn 13537International health regulationsEco-management and audit schemeConstruction regulations 2015GostTechnology alert listSustainable development goal 8Basel conventionTrips agreementClayton antitrust act of 1914Joint photographic experts groupGeneral data protection regulation