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Bart the loverHomer the greatHomer definedBart the finkHomer and apuPygmoelianDufflessBart vs. australiaBrother from another seriesI love lisaLove, springfieldian styleLast exit to springfieldSimple simpsonBart's cometTeam homerHomer badmanBart starBart gets famousA star is burnsHomer's enemyOh brother, where art thou?Homer at the batHomer to the maxThe wandering juvieThe frontHow i wet your motherHomer vs. dignityHomer's phobiaBart's dog gets an "f"Bart to the futureHomer vs. patty and selmaThe way we wasHomie the clownThe homer of sevilleBart of darknessThe war of the simpsonsThe last temptation of homerBurns' heirSimpson safariThe cartridge familySimpsons bible storiesThe old man and the lisaTales from the public domainColonel homerThe homer they fallHomer's night outThe debartedBart on the roadThe call of the simpsonsTreehouse of horror xvHomer's triple bypassA milhouse dividedFat man and little boyI married margeBart after darkDeep space homerHomer aloneThe last temptation of krustThe book jobThe blunder yearsThere's something about marryingHomer the vigilanteThe way we weren'tHungry, hungry homerLisa the simpsonThe springfield filesHomer goes to collegeDancin' homerGoo goo gai panMake room for lisaMaximum homerdriveMarge on the lamOnce upon a time in springfieldBart the generalTwo bad neighborsLisa's weddingDead putting societySelma's choiceDas busHomerlandThe heartbroke kidSimpson tideBart's girlfriendFather knows worstLisa's substituteBart the bad guyMonty can't buy me loveThe cad and the hatAnd maggie makes threeLisa the iconoclastCape feareDumbbell indemnityBart's inner childThe day the violence diedThe otto showO brother, where bart thou?The boys of bummerKamp krustyItchy & scratchy landTreehouse of horror xiv