MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Hold inHold backHold in handHoldKeep downRestrainHold offHold upInhibitLay hold ofClamp down onKeep underRein inKeepDetainRefrainHold by the buttonHold tightDownpressPut the brakes onHand-holdImpoundBear downSuppressHaltOverholdOnholdHold overHold stillBring downOppressStayTie upReinHang onRetainHold onTamp downStifleLock downTighten upHold outStick downCoercePressHold cheapChoke backThrow downCurbHeadlockBindLong-pressPull the reins in on someoneLock upGripGrabOffholdCohibitPull the reins in on somethingDial backSilenceKeep fromHold over someone's headShut inRetractBlock offWithstayConstrictWithholdShutDownClampPut downHandlockFight downCatchCurtailGrindHush downResistHieldLeashPipe downStrainPinchKeep backStanchHose downArrestHold ransomCall a haltGet downShackleContainGet hold ofHeadSuspendTie downPauseWithstrain