MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Hit the sackGo to bedSack outKip downGo to sleepRetireTurn inCrawl inCall it a nightHit the sheetsCatch some z'sHit the rackTake a napTurn into a pumpkinGo to bed with the sunNod offCome to bedGo night-nightClose one's eyesNod outGo to bed withGo to bed with the chickensFall asleepPad outSleep onSleep togetherCrash outCall it a dayKnock outSleep a winkHit the roadSleep like a logConk outGrab some z'sSleep like a babyCut logsTake a dirt napSeek one's virtuous couchGrab some zsPut one's feet upWet the bedSleep withGo out like a lightSleep inCatch some zsSleep offTime-travelGet upMake one's bedHang up one's hatSaw logsSleep roughHit itPut to bedTake it easyHit the bricksWake up deadCatch someone nappingCrashZonk outFall asleep in the lordSit upCatch some raysCheck one's eyelids for leaksPut downCount sheepGo to workTake one's leaveHit the deckSleep outHit the rocksTake a hikeKeep good hoursPut to bed with a shovelKick someone out of bedCork offLie inRest easyGive someone a breakDoze offHit the dirtHit the ceilingHit the headPlay possumKick the bucketBunk upDo a bunkCome to a closeStrike a blowCover upSleep overKick itKonk outCatch nappingStay upFlake outSaw woodHang one's hatStack z'sTake to one's heels