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History of syriaHistory of ugandaHistory of bangladeshSouth west africaEarly history of ugandaHistory of east pakistanHistory of south australiaFrench sudanSomali republicUnion of south africaHistory of sri lankaRepublic of the congoTransvaalHistory of the state of palestineFlag of south sudanAnglo-egyptian sudanHistory of jordanFrench congoTimeline of nigerian historyRhodesiaHistory of namibiaTanganyikaMining industry of sudanSoviet central asiaHistory of the italian republicBritish indiaHistory of pakistanPortuguese angolaHistory of lebanonHistory of west bengalRuanda-urundiNorth yemenTanganyika territoryMilitary history of indonesiaHistory of germanyEastern region, nigeriaHistory of beninTerritorial evolution of germanyColonial nigeriaRepublic of serbiaTimeline of kenyaHistory of australiaSouthern rhodesiaTimeline of pakistani historyKamerunPartition of indiaAlbania under the ottoman empireAssam provinceTimeline of afghan historyHistory of transnistriaIndian reunificationRoman egyptCongo free stateTimeline of indian historyLado enclaveState of somalilandFlag of south africaSouth kasaiSouth african republicHistory of schleswig-holsteinEast timorPhilippine republicPortuguese cape verdeEmirate of afghanistanGeorgian soviet socialist republicOttoman hungaryColony of nigerSecond syrian republicBilad al-shamNew russiaNyasalandHistory of bahrainBritish cameroonFlag of prussiaKingdom of ndongoOrange free stateBa'athist iraqColonial assamMonarchy of south africaHistory of modern serbiaOttoman kosovoByelorussia in world war iiEmpire of brazilBihar and orissa provinceChinese irredentismHistory of polandItalian somalilandBritish empireCape provinceMutawakkilite kingdom of yemenOrange river colonyKenya colonyFlag of crimeaKingdom of africaTranskeiGoguryeoColony of new south walesFirst nigerian republicHistory of pomeraniaKingdom of jolof