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Schmalkaldic leagueHoly leagueRhenish republicFree state of coburgFree state of lippeTreaty of viennaElectorate of bavariaSs heimwehr danzigPrincipality of anhaltProvince of westphaliaFree state of schaumburg-lippeKingdom of bavariaRepublic of albaFree state of prussiaPrussian confederationRepublic of badenDuchy of saxe-wittenbergBrandenburg-prussiaLeague of the three emperorsDuchy of magdeburgElectorate of hanoverConstitution of the german empireProvince of the sudetenlandKingdom of hanoverDuchy of limburgProvince of schleswig-holsteinSwabian leagueElectoral palatinateProvince of saxonyPeople's state of hesseAct of mediationHelvetic republicHoly roman empireFree state of mecklenburg-strelitzConfederation of the rhineStettinProclamation of the german empireArchbishopric of magdeburgState of the teutonic orderProvince of german bohemiaGau mosellandSwabian circleProvince of upper silesiaProvince of hanoverHistory of budapestFirst succession actMargraviate of brandenburgAustrian empireProvince of lower silesiaParis communeKingdom of saxonyProvince of hohenzollernBerlin decreeHouse of nassau-weilburgSwedish pomeraniaShort parliamentProvince of hesse-nassauTreaty of unionDuchy of mecklenburg-schwerinSwitzerland as a federal statePeace of utrechtAdolf hitler's 50th birthdaySolemn league and covenantTreaty of verdunPrincipality of kievAllied-occupied austriaTreaty of rastattStates of the german confederationFree state of mecklenburg-schwerinDuchy of nassauElectorate of colognePeace of ryswickSudetendeutsches freikorpsSaar protectorateArmy of the holy roman empireEarly modern switzerlandGrand duchy of posenAnhalt-bernburgCouncil of constanceDiet of wormsSaxe-weimar-eisenachByelorussia in world war iiDuchy of bohemiaRepublic of florenceElectorate of hesseFree city of cracow18th-century history of germanyProvince of kurhessenLands of the bohemian crownFourth council of the lateranElectorate of saxonyNew england confederationConfederate irelandRhine provinceAustria under national socialismFirst hellenic republicPeloponnesian leagueInner mongolian people's republicElectorate of mainzTwelve theses