MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Have another think comingHave second thoughtsHave one's head screwed on rightThink with one's other headThink twiceHave two strings to one's bowChange one's mindHave it comingSee comingGet what's coming to oneChange one's tuneSee thingsCollect one's witsKeep one's wits about oneThink one is itTake it into one's headSecond-guessPark that thoughtHave one's work cut outGet through one's headGet one's crap togetherCome up withHave it going onCome up trumpsHave someone goingGet one'sHave one's head screwed onBe in forMove alongGet something twistedMove aheadHalf-expectCome to one's sensesGet one's head straightCome aroundLook beyond the tip of one's noseThonkWait for the other shoe to dropSee beyond the tip of one's noseHave the first ideaSee beyond the end of one's noseCome to naughtBe onto somethingCome withLook beyond the end of one's noseLook past the tip of one's noseThink aloudGet one's hopes upLook past the end of one's noseCome throughHave a tantrumLook onGet behindTake forHave it both waysHave one's cake and eat itHave one's eye onCome upUse one's headSee past the tip of one's noseComeGet through one's thick skullMake a standHave one's handfulNoodleCome up snake eyesHit uponShift groundUse one's loafHurry up and waitCome to a headGet ahead of oneselfCome toMiss someone's pointLook before one leapsTake a turnThink too muchCome back to hauntCome outChange someone's mindTake one's chancesHit a snagGet one over onGo the way ofCome rightHave one's fingers on the pulseCome down the pikeGo in circlesSpeak out of turnNeed one's head examinedGet itChange tackChange one's waysHave a bun in the ovenTake a viewGet the last laughLook through rose-colored glassesThrow outTake a step backTurn a new leaf