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Elevator action returnsAero fighters 2Gunstar heroesIn the huntR-typeTime crisis iiRevolution xMetal slugMercsTime crisisBloody wolfBlaster masterTotal carnageSuperior soldiersAxelayR-type iiNemesisNight strikerThunder force iiiGate of thunderGauntlet ivEarth defense forceG.i. joeMoon patrolContra forceAero fighters 3Strikers 1945Time killersSuper contraAfter burner iiMega turricanStargateBionic commandoFighting force 2Ridge racer revolutionJurassic parkAlien soldierPsychic forceRanger xPulsemanJet force geminiGley lancerGradius vDesert strikeCurseStarbladeRed zoneShootoutRun saberTrouble shooterBionic commando rearmed 2Maximum forceIkari warriorsCommandoContraSuper turrican 2Star wars arcadeRampartStrikers 1945 iiiAlien vs. predatorBlazing starMortal kombat iiBubble symphonyLegendary wingsGhosts 'n goblinsGunshipMetal stormAlesteRapid reloadThe punisherDoom troopersGhostbustersStreet fighter ii turboQuake iiGrind stormerRoad rash iiGradius iiPanorama cottonNinja baseball bat manLiquid kidsMega man 2Splatterhouse 2Lethal enforcersDetana!! twinbeeGaplusThe house of the dead 2Battle clashStreets of rage 3Gun fightAir galletNinja spiritGunboatAce driverDead moonNuclear strikeThe chaos engineSuper swivForgotten worldsFusionSega ninja