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Andaman seaPhang nga baySouth china seaGulf of tadjouraGulf of mannarAndaman islandsGulf of thailandBay of bengalMergui archipelagoMozambique channelGeography of myanmarArabian seaBismarck seaPhang nga provinceMindoro straitSingapore straitRamree islandGulf of suezGulf of kutchBangka straitGulf of tonkinMakassar straitBatemans bayBight of beninLingayen gulfGulf of maineSibuyan seaStrait of malaccaMoresby islandMalay archipelagoMalay peninsulaGulf of hondurasBali seaMalaccaAustralasian mediterranean seaIsland of mozambiqueGulf of aqabaLaccadive seaSundarbansTorres straitTimorTimor seaTasman seaStrait of hormuzGulf of adenGeography of cambodiaJava seaSalween riverPersian gulfKo lanta yaiGulf of khambhatBali straitCeram seaManila trenchPhilippine seaSocotra passageEast china seaArafura seaLandfall islandTaiwan straitGeography of mauritiusGulf of fonsecaLombok straitDiscovery bayNorth sentinel islandCaribbean seaIndian oceanGeography of indonesiaMorotaiGeography of madagascarRed seaBantry bayJintotolo channelIsland southeast asiaTonga trenchSunda straitLuzon straitMoreton islandGulf of morbihanSimilan islandsSurigao straitBay of fundyRanong provinceArabian gulfPamban islandSan bernardino straitYellow seaGulf of rigaBombetoka bayAgulhas currentNaf riverLevantine seaMarina beachNorth and middle andaman districtGulf of tunisGulf intracoastal waterwayGulf of guineaGulf of patrasGulf of carpentariaBight of biafra