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A hacker manifestoAnarchismThe communist manifestoFederalist no. 1Code and other laws of cyberspaceThe principles of communismPost-scarcity anarchismIn defense of foodRequiem for the american dreamAgainst methodSyntactic structuresPierre-joseph proudhonThe constitution of libertyThe question concerning technologyThe revolution of everyday lifeA reader's manifestoFederalist no. 29Das kapitalCatechism of a revolutionaryDeclaration of sentimentsThe origin of the work of artJustice as fairnessThe coming insurrectionThe third industrial revolutionReflections on violenceThe logic of scientific discoveryThe logic of collective actionThe foundations of arithmeticFederalist no. 78Administrative behaviorThe soul of man under socialismMinimanual of the urban guerrillaThe transcendence of the egoThe ego and its ownThe american crisisErgodic literaturePrison notebooksFoundations of economic analysisThe political unconsciousThe philosophy of freedomThe liberty amendmentsThe true believerThe fourth political theoryThe origins of political orderHuman actionFederalist no. 10Rules for radicalsFederalist no. 70A system of logicDiscourse on inequalityThe annotated turingScientific socialismThe art of computer programmingBeall's listThe use of knowledge in societyCapitalism and freedomDemocracy and educationStatism and anarchyLiberalismBlack marxismHuman, all too humanThoughts on flashBegriffsschriftThe power of the powerlessProcess and realityCommon senseCritique of the gotha programmeThe doctrine of fascismA secular ageHereditary geniusThe commonwealth of oceanaCryptoThe conquest of breadAs we may thinkMain currents of marxismAspects of the theory of syntaxThe stuff of thoughtRights of manAlongside nightThe grand chessboardMoziHackers & paintersNoam chomskyEngines of creationThe theory of money and creditManifesto of futurismFederalist no. 68The abc of communismOn the jewish questionThe coming anarchyThe critic as artistPolitics among nationsHumanist manifesto iiCritique of practical reasonThe advancement of learningIslamic declarationReflections on gandhiThe sound pattern of englishThe sublime object of ideologyThe art of noises