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Pacific temperate rainforestsGreater yellowstone ecosystemGondwana rainforestsSouthern great lakes forestsHoh rainforestGreat bear rainforestMississippi lowland forestsLaurentian mixed forest provinceCentral european mixed forestsCentral u.s. hardwood forestsRedwood mountain groveOzark mountain forestsTasmanian temperate rainforestsCaledonian forestHawaiian tropical rainforestsTongass national forestThetford forestApalachicola national forestNew forestTemperate forestHumboldt redwoods state parkGwynns falls/leakin parkCrete mediterranean forestsSoutheastern mixed forestsPantanalAmazon biomeMarianas tropical dry forestsPiney woodsMadagascar dry deciduous forestsApennine deciduous montane forestsEastern anatolian montane steppeBoreal forest of canadaEast siberian taigaChiribiquete national parkOcala national forestMalabar coast moist forestsOak ridges moraineCaucasus mixed forestsPalearctic realmGiant forestCalifornia chaparral and woodlandsRocky mountainsCentral pacific coastal forestsHudson bay lowlandsDanube deltaAlpine lakes wildernessBighorn national forestForests of the iberian peninsulaAshdown forestForests of australiaEnvironment of indiaEurasian steppeGreen mountain national forestIturi rainforestMadagascar spiny forestsAmazon rainforestThe fensQueensland tropical rain forestsCongolian rainforestsEpping forestShortgrass prairieNantahala national forestCerradoPeace river countryBavarian forestFlorida scrubGreat appalachian valleyAtchafalaya basinMasoala national parkGreat basinBorneo lowland rain forestsSan bernardino national forestQuantock hillsSix rivers national forestHolarctic realmGreat barrier reefLassen national forestShoshone national forestLacandon jungleColumbia icefieldMonongahela national forestFauna of great britainHiawatha national forestBwindi impenetrable forestTonto national forestBiodiversity of new zealandEvergladesTropical africaGreat north woodNew jersey pine barrensBiodiversity of colombiaFauna of indonesiaAncient woodlandGila national forestLos padres national forestFlooded grasslands and savannasDaintree national parkKgalagadi transfrontier parkGarden of the gods wildernessBohemian forest