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Secure actCloud act21st century cures actFirst step actExecutive order 13768Executive order 13780Patient self-determination actEuropean union act 2020Budget control act of 2011Energy policy act of 1992Affordable care actOil pollution act of 1990For the people actNational emergencies act2018 united states farm billCredit card act of 2009Hong kong autonomy actDefense of marriage actCovfefe actCares actTerrorism risk insurance actAnti-drug abuse act of 1986Tax cuts and jobs act of 2017Teach actCheck 21 actBuild back better actCannabis actStolen valor act of 2013Federal-aid highway act of 1956Trade agreements act of 1979Civil rights act of 1964Communications act of 1934E-government act of 2002Firearm owners protection actEuropean union act 2018Marine mammal protection actSafe banking actAda amendments act of 2008Sunshine protection actCalifornia senate bill 32Highway beautification actRespect for marriage actPresidential records actEnvironment act 2021Higher education act of 1965Food quality protection actProtect america act of 2007Education amendments of 1972Executive order 13988Transgender persons act, 2019Honoring our pact act of 2021Music modernization actAdoption and safe families actExecutive order 14067Executive order 13514Energy policy and conservation actCanadian bill of rightsAtomic energy act of 1954Metric conversion actAnti-terrorism act of 2020Comprehensive anti-apartheid actEconomic stimulus act of 2008Native title act 1993Animal welfare act of 1966Mutual defense assistance actOnline safety billNuclear waste policy actCongressional review actNationality and borders act 2022Consumer rights act 2015Reproductive health actEnergy policy act of 2005Telecommunications act of 1996Paris agreementHelp america vote actSecure fence act of 2006Balanced budget act of 1997Migratory bird treaty act of 1918John lewis voting rights actBayanihan to heal as one actChief financial officers actCare act 2014Repeal of the 2002 aumfReal id actHuman rights act 1998Flag desecration amendmentAfrican growth and opportunity actComputer fraud and abuse actMotor carrier act of 1980Marriage amendment act 2017Federal arbitration actAnti-conspiracy billStop enabling sex traffickers actEmployment non-discrimination actOmnibus law on job creationAmerican rescue plan act of 2021Russia sanctions act 2022Postal service reform act of 2022Protect act of 2003Clean power plan