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Cambridge science parkCambridge biomedical campusBabraham instituteRoyal papworth hospitalAddenbrooke's hospitalNeedham research instituteCranfield universityLongwood medical and academic areaJohn innes centreBroad instituteStanford research parkFrancis crick instituteBrunel university londonCavendish laboratoryHigh tech campus eindhovenBath spa universityManyata embassy business parkRoyal free hospitalBirkbeck, university of londonCity, university of londonLoughborough universityGujarat science cityRutherford appleton laboratoryCentral drug research instituteKingston universityInternational tech park, chennaiSunnybrook health sciences centreDiamond light sourceOxford university medical schoolHarvard radcliffe instituteLady margaret hall, oxfordBristol royal infirmaryGoldsmiths, university of londonImperial college londonRegent's park college, oxfordNorthwick park hospitalIstituto italiano di tecnologiaAmes research centerMuseum of comparative zoologyRuhr university bochumIbm hursleyLaboratory for laser energeticsRoslin instituteRoyal college of artInstitute for advanced studyCambridge university librarySouthampton general hospitalGoddard space flight centerIit kharagpurSchool of advanced studyScience centre singaporeKing's college londonUniversity college londonHuntingdon life sciencesRoyal institutionSkolkovo innovation centerEaling hospitalUniversity of brightonJet propulsion laboratoryCatalystNui galwayNottingham trent universityNewham university hospitalMassachusetts general hospitalBournemouth universityEth zurichScience policy research unitCold spring harbor laboratoryInstitute of cancer researchBuckinghamshire new universityUniversity of waterlooUniversity of londonSolent universityHarvard museum of natural historyJanelia research campusCharing cross hospitalHeidelberg universityMarine biological laboratoryNewcastle universityInstitute of plant industryIit patnaGoodenough collegeOxford universityBreakthrough instituteIit gandhinagarHarvard universityUniversity of oxfordGreat ormond street hospitalMcphs universityDubai international academic cityJohn radcliffe hospitalThe bartlettUniversity of sussexDunton technical centreBuilding research establishmentTrinity hall, cambridgeMacquarie universityBrooklyn commonsHarvard medical schoolArgonne national laboratory