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Roque de los muchachos observatoryIsaac newton telescopeTeide observatoryLa silla observatoryArecibo observatoryHale telescopeLovell telescopeParkes observatoryTorre de collserolaCave of el castilloGranada cathedralMount wilson observatoryDwingeloo radio observatoryBellver castleAlbaHarlan j. smith telescopeLoro parquePalma cathedralMark iiEl caracol, chichen itzaSphinx observatoryCave of altamiraEffelsberg 100-m radio telescopePoint reyes lighthouseTemple expiatori del sagrat corEstadio gran canariaRoyal observatory, greenwichGriffith observatorySegovia cathedralPalacio de la magdalenaKonkoly observatoryPalace of charles vRatan-600Columbus monument, barcelonaPs20 solar power plantGoseck circleOviedo cathedral40-foot telescopeRio tinto alcan planetariumGibraltar point lighthouseDomusOrgov radio-optical telescopeSantiago de compostela cathedralCastle of rocca calascioCastle of almansaChania lighthouseEinstein towerSeville cathedralCheomseongdaePlanetariumBarcelona zooGreen bank observatorySanta maria de montserrat abbeyDesert view watchtowerEstadio de la cartujaTibidabo amusement parkAustralia telescope compact arrayMurano glass museumPaul wild observatoryCastle of the moorsPalace of mariventEl castillo, chichen itzaMonastery of san juan de los reyesProspect point observation towerPortaventura parkPyramid of the moonRoyal chapel of granadaBaily lighthousePalau sant jordiMuseo del pradoTintagel castlePamplona cathedralAlhambraGreat pyramid of cholulaCanton towerLowell observatoryCosmocaixa barcelonaCape hatteras lighthouseRundetaarnBarcelona cathedralSanctuary of arantzazuCourt of the lionsMiramar palaceN seoul towerToledo cathedralGuggenheim museum bilbaoPs10 solar power plantAragonese castleMuseum of the history of barcelonaPoble espanyolEstadi municipal de can missesMontauk point lightAquarium barcelonaTorcello cathedralGiraldaGiotto's campanileParque del buen retiro, madridNew mexico museum of space historyLeaning tower of zaragozaOrion