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Government of ireland act 1920Government of india act 1858Aliens act 1905Charter act of 1793Commonwealth immigrants act 1962Mines and collieries act 1842Pharmacy act 1868Town and country planning act 1947Ireland act 1949Indian councils act 1892Defence act 1903British nationality act 1981Matrimonial causes act 1857Indian councils act 1909Statute of westminster 1931Industrial relations act 1971Government of ireland act 1914Charter act of 1813South africa act 1909Indian independence act 1947Quebec actJudiciary act of 1789Regulating act of 1773Indian sale of goods act 1930Longitude actStatute of monopoliesHindu succession act, 2005Indian forest act, 1927Gin act 1751Indian citizenship actHistory of the british rajAnglo-siamese treaty of 1909Defence of india act 1915National service act 1939British north america actsRace relations act 1965Council of stateRoman catholic relief act 1829Gauhati high courtPitt's india actPoor law amendment act 1834Scotland act 1998Coinage act of 1873British nationality act 1948Instrument of accessionDefence regulation 18bIndian reorganization actEspionage act of 1917Saint helena act 1833Parliament of englandThe indian partnership act, 1932Treaty of lahoreHindu succession act, 1956Central provinces and berarSlave trade act 1807Currency actSinhala only actJoint stock companies act 1844Constitution of the ottoman empireTreason act 1351Malolos constitutionConstitution act, 1867Anglo-irish treatyLand ordinance of 1785Assam provinceBritish rajConstitution of the german empireGradual civilization actTashkent declarationIndian independence movementEducation act 1944Constitutional act 1791Interim government of indiaImmigration act of 1882Statute of anneIndian slavery act, 1843Anglo-afghan treaty of 1919Partition of indiaDeclaration of right, 1689Sex discrimination act 1975Government of ireland bill 1886Succession to the crown act 2013Instrument of governmentConstitution of pakistan of 1956South african constitution of 1961British india1969 white paperLondon declarationPlantation act 1740Nehru reportReform act 1832Parliament of great britainDeclaratory actHistory of the united kingdomBengal presidencyFirst succession actObscene publications act 1959Treaty of punakhaForeign enlistment act 1870Titles deprivation act 1917