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Israel defense forcesIsraeli air defense commandIsraeli air forceMoldovan ground forcesParatroopers brigadeMongolian ground forceC4i corpsIsraeli navySayeret matkalIraqi ground forcesIsraeli security forcesIsraeli ground forcesJapan ground self-defense forceRoyal jordanian armyPolish general staffEgb forcesTurkish land forcesOperational command southNetzah yehuda battalionArmenian ground forcesArmed forces of belarusIslamic republic of iran armyPakistan army corps of engineersMilitary intelligence bureauHungarian ground forcesGolani brigade36th combined arms armyArmy of the czech republicRoyal army of omanMongolian armed forcesJapan self-defense forces49th combined arms armyJordanian armed forcesDefense forces of georgiaRoyal moroccan armyGeorgian air forceMerkavaIsrael border policeArmy of north macedoniaCorps of army air defenceGivati brigadeTajik ground forcesAustralian defence organisationArmed forces of mauritaniaAustralian armyRepublic of korea armyOz brigadeMoldovan national armyMilitary policeGhana army20th guards combined arms armyAlpinist unitNational defense management centerEgyptian armyFrench army special forces commandEgyptian air forceMexican armyGrauMiddle east commandCanadian armyCombined space operations centerJewish brigadeArmed forces of saudi arabiaSri lanka armed forcesDuvdevan unitMyanmar armyEritrean army20th guards motor rifle division58th combined arms armyIslamic revolutionary guard corpsJamaica defence forceGlobal command and control system41st combined arms armyPuma armored engineering vehicleEstonian land forcesArmed forces of armeniaSaudi arabian military forcesNahal brigadeAzerbaijani air forcesSomaliland national armyRussian armed forcesDefence security corpsEritrean defence forcesEuropean union military staffAustralian defence forceShaldag unitSyrian army1st kostrad infantry divisionKorean people's army ground forceMalaysian armed forcesAlufPakistan army aviation corpsMultinational force and observersPermanent joint headquartersHong kong garrisonTogolese armed forcesSyrian air defense forceRussian ground forcesSouth african armyLebanese armed forces