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Glicko rating systemShapeElo rating systemPlayoff formatShogi variantChess titleGo equipmentGo variantsJanggiRules of goGo professionalGo strategy and tacticsGo and mathematicsShogi strategyChess tournamentHexagonal chessChinese pokerRules of chessKomiInternational match pointsShogiChess variantPokerHandicapCard gameHong kong mahjong scoring rulesChu shogiTennis shotsMahjong video gameSimultaneous exhibitionJapanese mahjong scoring rulesChess setGomokuEuropean go championshipFangqiChess scoringThree player mahjongCoordination gameFour-player chessPawn structureIndian chessMahjong tilesInternational draughtsStroke indexGeneral game playingJapanese mahjongAmerican mahjongGame of skillShogi openingBoard gameThree-dimensional chessGravity chessThree-player chessSailingGame of the gooseTarot card gamesChess pieceProgressive chessStroke playTables gamePlaying card suitChinese dominoesRummySchool of chessCross and circle gamePoker diceBackgammonQuizTennis scoring systemHex mapSheng jiOnline chessDrawRedemption gameDedicated deck card gameCorrespondence chessTile-based gameStrategy gameBingo cardLadder tournamentCheckmate patternPoker strategyChess clubRookCastleMind sportDouble checkJapanese mahjong yakuMinichessChess boxingTempoPointRules of cribbageEsportsMahjongGlobal poker indexChess endgameSudokuPoker tournament3d tic-tac-toe