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The climate groupGlobal climate coalitionGlobal carbon projectNew economics foundationClimate action trackerHeartland instituteOregon petitionJust stop oilInstitute for energy researchInstitute for governmentClimate movementCampaign for nuclear disarmamentPopulation mattersAdam smith instituteEnvironmental working groupCentre for policy studiesMigrationwatch ukClimate action networkOpen rights groupGlobal reporting initiativeChicago council on global affairsInstitute for fiscal studiesNational secular societyFederation of american scientistsCarbon disclosure projectHope not hateClimate disclosure standards boardGlobal environment facilityThe climate reality projectInstitute of economic affairsFuture of life instituteThe heritage foundationAnti-slavery internationalHeritage actionEconomic policy instituteNiskanen centerChildren's health defenseEmberEnvironmental defense fundGlobal witnessEcohealth allianceDiscovery instituteNatural resources defense councilCountryside allianceResources for the futureNational organization for marriageCenter for inquiryThe gravel institutePlant-for-the-planetHuman rights foundationAmerican enterprise instituteBerggruen instituteGuttmacher instituteGlobal development networkAct for americaCenter for global developmentTheosHenry jackson societyEarthjusticePlan bCenter for biological diversityBulletin of the atomic scientistsGroundswell nzCore cities groupAmericans for tax reformRoyal society of artsAmericans for prosperityEngoProgressive policy instituteBehavioural insights teamFriends of the earthClimate solutions caucusStop the war coalitionClimate policy initiativeAmerican investment councilState policy networkBrady campaignThe biologos foundationMilieudefensieChatham houseCentre for science and environmentHighspeed ukIcleiAmnesty internationalHong kong watchAvaazAlliance for automotive innovationTransgender trendGlobalsecurity.orgParityPopulation connectionSunrise movementThink tankIpiecaTavistock instituteInstitute of public affairsInternational energy agencyFauna and flora internationalCult information centreDisasters emergency committee