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Gliese 581dGliese 581Gliese 832 cGliese 436 bTrappist-1hGliese 667 ccGliese 1214 bGliese 1061Gliese 876Trappist-1g2m1207bLuyten 726-8Proxima centauri dLuyten bKepler-186fKepler-90Gliese 436Proxima centauri bKepler-1708bKepler-1649cK2-18bGliese 876 bKepler-11Trappist-1eLuyten's starTrappist-1bHd 1897332m1207Kic 9832227Ross 248Kelt-9bScholz's starGliese 667Struve 2398Trappist-1cBeta capricorniKepler-22bGliese 581g82 g. eridaniTeegarden's star bLhs 3844 bTres-2bMu cepheiToi 700Barnard's starProxima centauri cGliese 357 dKepler-452Ross 128 bGamma cepheiHd 16760Ogle-2005-blg-390lbTeegarden's star cLuhman 16Kepler-62Hd 106906 bHd 189733 bMiraAlpha centauriKepler-438bGamma leonisTrappist-1dKepler-70Kepler-442bKepler-442Hd 10180Fomalhaut bMintakaAlpha libraeGliese 581cGamma virginisKapteyn's starComet galaxyS doradusBeta pegasiSigma draconisNgc 7318Stephenson 2-18Beta comae berenicesBeta draconisKepler-69cG 240-72Epsilon indi abKepler-70bKapteyn bDelta scorpiiGamma ursae majorisBarnard's star bEpsilon indi38628 huyaNgc 6822Epsilon canis majorisDelta capricorniOts 44Hd 140283Owl nebulaSegue 2Delta cygniAlpha andromedaeNecklace nebula