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Mircea eliade bibliographyC. s. lewis bibliographyFriedrich nietzsche bibliographyColin wilson bibliographyPhilip roth bibliographyClark ashton smith bibliographyJacques derrida bibliographySigmund freud bibliographyCarl jung publicationsHarlan ellison bibliographyG. k. chesterton bibliographyRay bradbury bibliographyArthur c. clarke bibliographyMurray bookchin bibliographyAlan grant bibliographyJoseph conrad bibliographyOrson scott card bibliographyHenry miller bibliographyDavid eddings bibliographyPiers anthony bibliographyFrank herbert bibliographyRobert e. howard bibliographyPoul anderson bibliographyS. m. stirling bibliographyCharles darwin bibliographyAnthony trollope bibliographyErle stanley gardner bibliographyOscar wilde bibliographyH. p. lovecraft bibliographyRobert silverberg bibliographyJorge luis borges bibliographyKevin j. anderson bibliographyPeter david bibliographyL. ron hubbard bibliographyTerry brooks bibliographyHenry james bibliographyThe philosophy of moneyGeorge-kreisTad williams bibliographyMichael moorcock bibliographyFyodor dostoevsky bibliographyPeter f. hamilton bibliographyRaymond e. feist bibliographyTimothy zahn bibliographyLear, tolstoy and the foolGary gygax bibliographyRobert van gulik bibliographyPaul theroux bibliographyJoe r. lansdale bibliographyBrandon sanderson bibliographyThe tolkien readerPaperweightHistory of mathematical notationEconomicsGregory benford bibliographyBen bova bibliographyCosmologyEric flint bibliographyGene wolfe bibliographyStephen baxter bibliographyLord of the islesLouise erdrich bibliographyAldous huxley bibliographyRichard brautigan bibliographyOn denotingA little history of the worldThe revolt of the massesRudyard kipling bibliographyTheodore roosevelt bibliographyTen novels and their authorsKafkaParallel livesDean koontz bibliographyJames herbertLibri of aleister crowleyDanzig trilogyConversations with godRivers solomonGround zeroLabyrinthsKim stanley robinson bibliographyIntellectuals and societyJoyce carol oates bibliographyBruce sterling bibliographyThe infinity of listsIamblichusGwenc'hlanDavid weber bibliographyThe new york trilogyConsider the lobsterJan morris bibliography12 books that changed the worldKurt vonnegut bibliographyEither/orThe science of mindThe heart of the matterThe genius and the goddessRace mattersThe tin drumNorth