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Typhoons in the korean peninsulaJapanGeography of north koreaGeography of south koreaGeography of japanJeju islandRebun islandOkinawa islandsTourism in hawaiiIsland groups of the philippinesAustralasiaHawaiiSea of japanTokara islandsGeography of the philippinesGeography of indonesiaAsiaMalay archipelagoSenkaku islandsJapanese archipelagoTaebaek mountainsNortheast asiaMiyako islandsIzu islandsGeography of new zealandSolomon islandsSatsunan islandsSeto inland seaDemographics of oceaniaChichijimaKuril islandsPeninsulaGeography of greenlandOceaniaBungo channelMaltaHebridesRussian arctic islandsIrelandMainland southeast asiaSobaek mountainsFirst island chainAndaman islandsKorea straitSouth china sea islandsSamoan islandsGreat britainBritish isles naming disputeCaroline islandsMidway atollSouthern caribbeanNakanoshimaContinental europeGeography of michiganGulf islandsAlexander archipelagoSt. lawrence islandCoastline of australiaKo phi phi donBorneoIwo jimaSouth shetland islandsOkinoerabujimaTaiwan straitEuropeGeography of irelandArchipelagoKiskaMaluku islandsHaida gwaiiKo lanta yaiPolynesiaHuman rights in the cook islandsJutlandTimorSan francisco peninsulaPhi phi islandsLong islandGeography of fijiOshima peninsulaAriake seaKiawah island, south carolinaEast china seaLeeward islandsNicobar islandsHistory of the cycladesHeligolandPacific rimMainland australiaGreenlandSulu archipelagoMicronesiaMalay peninsulaJapanese alpsNovaya zemlyaInsular region of colombiaKai islandsAmericasLamma islandMaritime southeast asia