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Flag of prussiaBrandenburgHistory of germanyEast berlinGerman reunificationBrandenburg-prussiaTerritorial evolution of germanyBerlin-bonn actIndian reunificationGermaniaMargraviate of brandenburgFree state of prussiaSaxe-weimar-eisenachChinese unificationDecision on the capital of germanyKingdom of bavariaProvince of saxonyGerman reichConstitution of east germanyReconstruction of germanyProvince of hohenzollernPrussian partitionProvince of schleswig-holsteinRepublic of badenAustro-prussian rivalryLuxembourg resistancePeople's state of hesseInner german borderRepublic of german-austriaGreater berlin actDuchy of saxe-wittenbergProvince of westphaliaStettinDuchy of magdeburgProvince of upper silesiaGerman mediatisationOstpolitikReichsgau sudetenlandHistory of schleswig-holsteinLands of the bohemian crownSaxony-anhaltStates of the german confederationReichsgau warthelandCurzon lineStates of the weimar republic18th-century history of germanyItalian irredentism in dalmatiaIntermariumKingdom of saxonyProvince of lower silesiaHistory of east germanyBritish occupation zone in germanyPrincipality of anhaltMecklenburgDissolution of austria-hungaryEast germanyFree state of coburgFree state of lippeHistory of pomeraniaProvince of hanoverDuchy of mecklenburg-schwerinElectorate of hanoverChinese irredentismGermany in the early modern periodEnlargement of the european unionGau east prussiaState of the teutonic orderAllied-occupied germanyGrand duchy of posenProvince of german bohemiaAmalgamation of torontoElectoral palatinateProvince of hesse-nassauRhine provinceReichsgauGrand duchy of oldenburgNew orderBerlin wallMargraviate of the nordgauBurgundian statePolish questionBaltoscandiaAustrian empireSaar protectorateBizoneBanatStates of the german empireRussian partitionCold warElectorate of bavariaProclamation of the german empireHoly roman empireKingdom of prussiaDuchy of limburgByelorussia in world war iiCulture of east germanyAutonomous governorate of estoniaProposed bosniak republicSwedish pomeraniaHistory of the united nations