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Federal officialFederalFederal reserveFederal reserve systemUsdaFemtosecondAcAApAreaClampCosineCrEquidistantFiFigFiniteFioGGaussianGeodesicIeIrJMillisecondNmNonNsPicosecondPsRunsSSaturationTsTunableUltrafastWWavelengthFed upFeeding frenzyChicken feedFeed offBite the hand that feeds oneWireless networkBack upRead outSign onSign offPut throughRing upFall overCall upHang upRecord bookRandom numberLead timeZero inLong tailSpecial needsFourth estateProject managementClock inAnd finallyPlug inSign inHeadlinesThink tankPencil inTrack recordInk inSwitch onGroup theoryFinal cutCross outBook inJohn henryJohn hancockJot downDiminishing returnsRed inkDead centerWall streetTwo centsMain streetBoot campFinancial advisorRed tapeCarry forwardGoing ratePidginGreen statePrivate eyeBig screenNumber tenFace valueElectric fieldTake stockElectrical fieldTime offSocial ladder