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FraternityCommanderyOrder of chivalryReligious orderMasonic bodiesConfraternityBrotherhoodRegaliaYork riteRed cross of constantineFreemasonry in the philippinesAncient and primitive riteKnights of saint columbanusMilitary orderOrder of the holy ghostKnight kadoshHistory of freemasonryArchconfraternitySocietas rosicrucianaKnights of peter claverRosicrucianBrethrenSociety of jesusSovereign military order of maltaOrder of the holy spiritFreemasonryAbbeyOrder of the solar templeTheatineReligious denominationOrder of mark master masonsOrder of friars minorOrder of the holy sepulchreConfraternity of penitentsSociety of apostolic lifeHoly ordersAncient order of hiberniansThird order of saint dominicEnclosed religious ordersSociety of the holy nameOrderMaltese crossOrder of the secret monitorRoyal arch masonryReligious instituteOrder of pope pius ixKhalwati orderOrganized religionTradition, family, propertyAnglican religious orderOrder of the redeemerKnight of justiceDaughters of isisPiaristPriestly fraternity of saint peterOrganizationSociety of saint francisQuorumConfrereFranciscansLaityTemplarServite orderSodalitySons of temperanceChapter houseChristian denominationDependencyEthnoreligious groupSwedish riteGreco-roman mysteriesCarthusiansEcclesiastical heraldryPremonstratensianThird order of saint francisReligious habitCo-freemasonryOrder of santiagoMasonic ritual and symbolismCollegiate churchCistercian architectureProvincialChishti orderThird orderOrdo templi orientisPriestProvincial superiorApostolic traditionReligionOrder of saint benedictConsuetudinaryRefectoryMotherhousePrioryEsoteric christianityConventOrder of the pugBenedictinesSociety of the holy crossOrder of saint augustine