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The social networkAmerican sniperThe outsiderThe founderA most violent yearSpotlightLegendThe machinistBlack massThe color of moneyEddie the eagleThe revenantBiutifulFruitvale stationA mighty heartSteve jobsRocky balboaThe big shortMatchThe rookieThe killer inside meTraining dayGoldRockyThe great debatersThe informant!American hustleOldboyRocky iiiPhil spectorRocky ivBelieve127 hoursNoahLive by nightThe brothers bloomEnemyPawn sacrificePollockThe hurt lockerRocky iiPoolhall junkiesMarshallMy all americanBoogie nightsThe o. j. simpson storyExtractionCrazy heartSnowdenBlack or whiteThe life of david galeThe face of an angelGood killAll the money in the worldThe book of henryEnd of watchNightcrawlerNightingaleFriday night lightsTraumaThe boxerRob royAmerican history xParkerThe sixth senseReach meA better lifeBehind the candelabraBennett's warInside manThe company menGran torinoFearAmerican beautyMr. churchBeasts of the southern wildMagnoliaBefore the devil knows you're deadAffluenzaMargin callThe villageBeing charlieThe glass shieldA history of violenceArgoThe king's speechIt followsBlue capriceThe crossing guardStarred upI am michaelA single manKing of the hillThe imitation gameThe diving bell and the butterflyBrothersGood will huntingInterstellarCalvaryThe disaster artist