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East seaFour corners of the worldEast chinaSeto inland seaSeven seasSargasso seaGreater sunda islandsEast china seaGeography of tibetThree gorgesPannonian seaAsopusLake taiLiao riverSea of japanFarthings of icelandHuai riverKorea straitBorders of the oceansQinghai lakeShengsi islandsMaritime boundaryParatethysLaccadive seaLemuria in popular cultureKanmon straitsGolden triangleAsiaFirst island chainSardinia and corsicaRed seaBohai seaAustralasiaMediterraneanEastMekongSingapore straitDoggerlandTaihang mountainsJialing riverRegionDanish straitsIrish seaBass strait triangleMesopotamiaTarim basinShandong peninsulaAmurMaritime southeast asiaOceaniaQuadripointSea of sardiniaAustralasian mediterranean seaGeography of michiganLishuiPangaeaDachen islandsIndus riverChineCaspian seaTributaries of the river thamesThums islandsFrioul archipelagoNile deltaGreat lakesHengduan mountainsNortheast asiaSacred mountains of chinaFirth of forthKosi riverQiongzhou straitChongming islandLiangzhu cultureFour cornersAriake seaPhi phi islandsGaulLake tritonisBody of waterGreater mekong subregionPillars of herculesOpen and closed lakesLake cahuillaSea islandsEastern states of australiaStraitJinsha riverNorth seaGulf islandsJintotolo channelSenkaku islandsSichuan basinSoundAfrican great lakesTaiwan straitDeira islandsLingnanEmperors yan and huangGreat loopAdriatic sea