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Form w-2Income tax returnTax returnForm w-9Form 1098-tForm w-4Form 1042ReturnIncome tax auditIncome taxPreparer tax identification numberTaxpayer identification numberTax dayForm 1099-miscGross incomePersonal exemptionAdjusted gross incomeTax file numberInternal revenue code section 162Sec filingItemized deductionAlternative minimum taxPayslipFinancial statementForeign earned income exclusionCorporate taxBank statementTax lawPay stubIncome tax thresholdTax shieldState income taxC corporationTax withholdingPersonal allowanceChild tax creditTax evasion in the united statesEstate tax in the united statesCustoms declarationGreen cardDividends received deductionStandard deductionTitle 11 of the united states codeNet earningsTax deduction at sourceWithholding taxStatement of affairsPayroll taxCurrency transaction reportTax refundSocial security numberInheritance taxSubstantial presence testTax assessmentTax creditTax collectorForm 4473Roth iraAbility to payTaxpayerBackup withholdingAnnual reportForm i-129Tax deductionExplanation of benefitsStatutory declarationStamp dutyFlexible spending accountSocial security wage basePersonal incomeFin 48Health savings accountCapital gains taxDirect taxPayrollDeposit slipCitizenship of the united statesPassportCredit reportFiscal yearInternal revenue code section 1031Certificate of loss of nationalityRecognitionTax farmingIndividual retirement accountIncome tax in scotlandTax rateGroup certificateTax evasionAccountantGovernment revenueForm i-130Negative income taxPay as you earnCopyright noticePaycheckUse taxTax breakGift tax in the united statesExchequer bill