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Bronze horsemanThe oratorJockey of artemisionRongxian giant buddhaDying gaulArtemis and the stagCharioteer of delphiSultanganj buddhaRibchester helmetFarnese bullSilchester eagleSaint george and the dragonSeated buddha from gandharaCapitoline wolfBorghese gladiatorHermesColossal statue of shapur iLeonardo's horseLion of veniceHorses of saint markGreat sphinx of gizaAnthony wayneTerracotta armyDiscobolusDionysus sardanapalusEquestrian statue of gattamelataBavaria statueMeleagerFarnese herculesStatue of the republicFarnese atlasDidarganj yakshiNike of paioniosHercules and cacusGenji monogatari emakiEquestrian portrait of charles vLion of babylonJeanne d'arcColossus of barlettaEyrarland statueOmphaleArtemision bronzeThe bronco busterCorpusPerseus with the head of medusaBisonLion-manColossus of neroLion monumentBird-and-flower paintingLudovisi aresAztec sun stoneBlack obelisk of shalmaneser iiiApollo and daphneSaint andrewSphinx of naxosAdonisThe falling manBoxer at restSaint stephenAnkhhafThe age of bronzeAbduction of a sabine womanMercuryColossus of rhodesThiruvalluvar statueMattei sarcophagus iIron manCrucifixDianaThe horse fairKhafre enthronedPrometheusBrera madonnaNymphStatue of giordano brunoSphere within sphereSaint florianShigir idolSleeping hermaphroditusThe seated scribeMy lonesome cowboyLantingji xuAugustus of prima portaJennings dogOmbra della seraAeneas, anchises, and ascaniusCastelfranco madonnaAmerican bisonStatue of ramesses iiIcarusThe minute manPompeii lakshmiThe polish riderThe walking manThe three soldiersThe snake charmerFrancis asburyThe great god panApollo