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Flying dragonFloatActonContinuumDaedalusCloudsChicago picassoAntipodesRenaissanceAlchemistSaint paulChristopher columbusLevitated massArgoSerenityIcarusEmergenceMillenniumAscensionBenjamin harrisonSmogKryptosThe discovery of americaBirth of the new worldDante alighieriRainThe great masturbatorFreedom monumentSourceBouquet of tulipsAztec sun stoneLa palomaGuerrero chimalliFrisbeeEagleThe heart of the andesSyrinxDecanterSala delle asseRokeby venusSaint florianThe callingThe lightning fieldCasapuebloThe apotheosis of washingtonAngolaLandscape with the fall of icarusBenois madonnaThe stonemason's yardLes demoiselles d'avignonPrometheusApollo in the forge of vulcanThe geographerSymbiosisStill life with profile of lavalFortitudeSnowplowThe world turned upside downNew horizonsPolandLe passe-murailleDaniel-henry kahnweilerMural on indian red groundThe sphereCardiff kookAristotleThe persistence of memoryAdoration of the magiHoly familyNew formsThe triumph of bacchusSmokeRumbaLa gare de perpignanThe artist's garden at givernyThe falling manBreakerFulcrumFideicommissumAllianceMetamorphosis of narcissusCrucifixThe church at auversLoveRay of lightBrera madonnaOlympusBird in spaceBisonHow doth the little crocodileMermaidImmaculate conceptionThorvaldsen museumSaint john the baptistSaint andrewSanta monicaFernando boteroAdoration of the shepherdsThe art of paintingCrucifixion