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Flag of chinaFlag of uzbekistanFlag of burkina fasoFlag of palestineFlag of djiboutiFlag of cubaFlag of washington, d.c.Flag of germanyFlag of chileFlag of swedenRising sun flagFlag of hondurasFlag of the united statesFlag of macedoniaFlag of bonaireFlag of saint kitts and nevisFlag of marsFlags depicting the southern crossFlag of brazilFlag of the netherlands antillesFlag of new zealandFlag of zimbabweFlag of the republic of chinaFlag of alaskaFlag of portland, oregonRed rectangle nebulaFlag of australiaFive-pointed starAlnilamOrionCelestial equatorCanopusDelta eridaniSun crossAntliaStar chartStarCruxEta aquilaePegasusArgo navisCommonwealth starSouthern crossPhi virginisAh scorpiiIris nebulaLuyten's starPole starGolden gate of the eclipticCircinus galaxyPerseusRho cassiopeiaePictorT tauriSagittariusEquatorial coordinate systemLatitudeOrion nebulaTrapezium clusterAldebaranThe star of adamArcturusSummer triangleTheta scorpiiRho ophiuchiSouthern celestial hemisphereHorsehead nebulaAntaresHamalGamma cassiopeiaeBarred spiral galaxyCompass roseAlpha lupiPoints of the compassPerseus clusterOrion's beltPolarisScorpioEta ursae majorisHeliocentrismPiscis austrinusEpsilon virginisGamma draconisMizarNorthern celestial hemisphereConstellationDenebMollweide projectionCelaenoCorona australisLunar orbitEcliptic coordinate systemHexagramSnake nebulaCentaurus aEta cassiopeiaeAlcyoneCompassHistory of the compassStar-shaped polygon