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Flag of canadaFlag of norwayEmblem of bhutanFlag of american samoaFlag of sri lankaSenyeraFlag of sicilyJerusalem crossBetsy ross flagKorean knotsCoat of arms of estoniaFlag of scaniaMaltese crossCroatian checkerboardTriratnaSwastikaSaint george's crossRed starGonfalonMianguanCross of lorraineCoat of arms of germanyGanggangsullaeShield of the trinitySaltireSerbian crossStar and crescentFlag of denmarkThree-section staffCross of saint jamesEye of providenceDaegeumStafford knotQuatrefoilFlag of saint davidChakanaEconomy of the song dynastyCoat of arms of fijiArmenian eternity signTriskelionTrefoilOrder of christ crossBorder tartanTriptychMandarin squareBaguaMetopeBat'lethBeigomaKhataCockade of italyBonguk geomLauburuNational emblem of north macedoniaHammer and sickleKagome crestPeace pagodaEmblem of iranStar of ishtarCross molinePrussian crown jewelsSigillum deiEqual-armed crossPakistani rugHwandudaedoCeltic crossDragon robeHaegeumGeomungoDaopaoRussian orthodox crossNational emblem of omanTemple of confuciusThangkaShatkonaDangpaEndless knotCircle of starsBolnisi crossBalto-slavic swastikaRosetta stoneToranaFivefold scapularCaissonBlackworkSolomon's knotChinese knottingErhuSacrificial tripodAsian conical hatTignonHorseshoe archStone of sconeHahoetalCross of saint peterHoundstoothNine-headed birdGottanBhavacakraGrapevine cross