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AnzusReciprocal access agreementAukusCanzukCompact of free associationQuadrilateral security dialogueGulf cooperation councilSoutheast asia treaty organizationDefense pactSpecial relationshipTrans-pacific partnershipPacific islands forumCanzuk internationalIndigenous treaties in australiaEuropean union customs unionAsean free trade areaGroup of sevenGroup of fiveBretton woods systemEastern partnershipFive nations passport groupSingapore declarationInternational yard and poundTreaties of the european unionAsia-pacific economic cooperationLublin triangleFour power agreement on berlinEuropean single marketLondon naval treatyCoral triangle initiativeEuropean economic areaHarare declarationHelsinki treatyBeneluxBaghdad pactFour-power pactPacific allianceCouncil of arab economic unityAustralia groupCharter of the commonwealthEast asia economic caucusG4 nationsAsean summitMultilateralismIndian ocean commissionTreaty of accession 2003East african communityNorth atlantic treatyQuartet on the middle eastBasic countriesTreaty of brusselsSouth asian free trade areaIndian ocean rim associationMultilateral export control regimeIndo-pakistani confederationCommonwealth free tradeCaribbean communityCis interparliamentary assemblyRegional security systemAtlanticismEdinburgh declarationNew development bankOrganization of turkic statesEnhanced cooperationTrade blocArab maghreb unionEuropean free trade associationEuropean neighbourhood policyLiberal international orderTreaty of parisComeconCommon foreign and security policyCentral asian unionContact groupParliament acts 1911 and 1949Intergovernmental organizationMember state of the european unionNatoBermuda agreementEconomic partnership agreementsEuropean monetary systemAsia cooperation dialogueMercosurAshgabat agreementNormandy formatLeague of nations unionMember states of the african unionCotonou agreementSt andrews agreementAnkara agreementCollective securityNew southbound policyTreaty of rarotongaUnited nationsEurozoneBrussels regimePartnership for peaceEntenteCommon security and defence policyAnglo-german naval agreement