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PhilebusHipparchusStatesmanTimaeusPhaedoMenexenusSymposiumSophistRepublicDiogenes and alexanderDe oratoreDe natura deorumOeconomicusSocratic dialogueDe legibusMenciusCritiasPericles' funeral orationDe finibus bonorum et malorumRival loversLysisThird man argumentDiogenes laertiusDe re publicaPlato's dreamLetter of aristeasThe anabasis of alexanderSocratic questioningAnalogy of the sunLaelius de amicitiaD'alembert's dreamHalcyonAnalogy of the divided lineLife of constantineQuadrature of the parabolaDiscourses of epictetusHistory of animalsPoliticsArithmeticaThe method of mechanical theoremsEuthyphro dilemmaEpistulae ad atticumAllegory of the caveDiscourse on inequalityEuthyphroCyropaediaEudemian ethicsAlopeceBibliotheca historicaThe age of louis xivDe interpretationeEthicsThe book of the courtierEpistola alexandri ad aristotelemJulius excluded from heavenAristotelian ethicsThe story of philosophyPharsaliaDiotima's ladder of loveOn the sublimeDiscourses on livyOneirocriticaOn the first principlesAlmagestAchilleidAesop's fablesOration on the dignity of manAshtavakra gitaRing of gygesDe officiisPhilosophical fragmentsAntipaterCorrespondence of paul and senecaDialogueThe phenomenology of spiritFlorentine historiesHistoria calamitatumOn the soulMozi4 maccabeesGreek anthologyDe rerum naturaEnneadsDiscourse on the methodAeneidCritique of judgmentCommentarii de bello civiliSeventh letterBelfagor arcidiavoloThe transcendence of the egoFirst apology of justin martyrMeditationsEnchiridion of epictetusCommentarii in somnium scipionisThe post cardFederalist no. 1HuainanziAristotleOn generation and corruptionMeditations on first philosophy