MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Fips 10-4Iso 3166-1Iso 3166-1 numericIso 3166-1 alpha-2Iso 3166-1 alpha-3Fips 201Fips 199Iso 4217Country codeDigital signature standardIso/iec 6523Iso 3166-3Code pagePostal codeIso 6709Iso 10962National provider identifierFips 140-2Fips 140-3Iso 9362Iso/iec 2022Digital signature algorithmCodenIso/iec 646UnicodeIso/iec 7064Iso/iec 15504Fips 140Dsm-iv codesInternational article numberIso 9564Iso 15924Regional indicator symbolDigital object identifierIcd-10-cmPostal index numberPersonal identification numberElectronic product codeIso 1000Iso 5776Iso/iec 5218Iso/iec 27002Geographic information systemIso/iec 8859-6Iso/iec 38500E.164Library of congress control numberIso/iec 8859-10Iso/iec 7810Mobile identification numberIso 7001Iso 4Geonet names serverProcess identifierAutomated export systemObject identifierEpsg geodetic parameter datasetIso 6346Risk management frameworkHarmonized systemIso/iec 8859-5Iso 2145Ieee 754Iso 63916 divisionsTia-598-cUniversal decimal classificationCell global identityFacing identification markInfo uri schemeSection signIso/iec 27000-seriesLocation identifierAddressNist special publication 800-53Binary-coded decimalBase64Iso/iec 7813AsciiMil-std-130EpcisIso 639-5Number formsUniversal product codeGeospatial pdfIso/iec 15897Iso 2709National vulnerability databaseComputer number formatGuid partition tableIec 61355Simple featuresIpv6 addressCode pointIso/iec 8859-9Iso 639-6Library of congress classificationBibliographic databaseMetadata object description schemaExecutable and linkable format