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Federalism in australiaHistory of australiaColony of tasmaniaCanadian confederationTreaty of unionMalaysia agreementTerritorial evolution of canadaColony of queenslandSeparation of queenslandTerritory of papua and new guineaSouth africa act 1909Colony of new south walesActs of union 1800New england confederationAustralian federation flagColony of vancouver islandHistory of south australiaDominion dayBritish americaParliament of great britainCorowa conferenceDominion of new englandBritish nationality act 1948Cape colonyUnification of italyFederation of malayaBritish empireCharlottetown conferenceUpper canadaCommonwealth of englandEnglish overseas possessionsImperial federationBelovezh accordsCongress of the confederationCommonwealth of nationsProvince of canadaKingdom of englandDominion of indiaPartition of irelandTerritorial evolution of australiaLondon declarationGerman reunificationAmalgamation of torontoMonarchy of pakistanMilitiaArticles of confederationNew england coloniesHistory of the royal navyCape provinceIndependence of brazilBritish indiaScotland under the commonwealthColonial officeFederated malay statesDistrict of columbiaHistory of pakistanAnglo-irish treatyConstitution of 1782Dissolution of the soviet unionConnecticut compromiseAllies of world war iSelf-governing colonyReid commissionMonarchy of south africaCoins of the australian poundFlag of the arab federationLands of the bohemian crownMassachusetts bay colonyProclamation of malaysiaSouth african republicPerth agreementTagsatzungScotland act 1998Confederation of the rhineContinental congressSouthern coloniesBelgian revolutionPrincely states of pakistanConfederation periodLatin monetary unionInstrument of accessionOklahoma territoryFrench indochina150th anniversary of canadaOregon territoryActs of union 1707History of the united kingdomConstitution act, 1867Politics of trinidad and tobagoDutch republicProvince of pennsylvaniaFederal leagueTransvaal colonyNewfoundland colonyFrench unionGovernment of ireland act 1914Cobbold commissionFlag of tasmaniaTransvaalContinental association