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Executive order 11246Civil rights act of 1991Civil rights act of 1964Fair labor standards act of 1938Communications act of 1934Equal pay act of 1963Employment non-discrimination actPaycheck fairness actExecutive order 11905Creation of nasaTrade act of 1974Pure food and drug actEpic systems corp. v. lewisDewey commissionFcc fairness doctrineAtomic energy act of 1946Executive order 13514Executive order 12333Equal access actEqual credit opportunity actExecutive order 13988Clean water ruleDrug-free workplace act of 1988European coal and steel communityPresidential records actClayton antitrust act of 1914Defense of marriage actChurch committee1996 california proposition 209Nye committeeEquality act 2010Federal tort claims actTwo-ocean navy actCommodity exchange actBase realignment and closureSex discrimination act 1984For the people actAda amendments act of 2008Mutual defense assistance actHelp america vote actPresident's surveillance programCouncil of europe9/11 commissionCommittee of detailLeague of nations unionTower commissionExecutive order 13780Baruch planNuremberg charterChief financial officers actClean power planFour policemenEnergy policy and conservation actTitle ixBipartisan campaign reform actExcommJanus v. afscmeAtlantic charterFederal arbitration actCorporate average fuel economyPromesaCredit rating agency reform act9/11 commission reportAnglo-french supreme war councilOperation choke pointAtomic energy act of 1954Marshall planNuclear waste policy actNuremberg codeForced labour conventionNational emergencies actFederal-aid highway act of 1956Computer fraud and abuse actNational research actCredit card act of 2009Sherman antitrust actGenocide conventionTroubled asset relief programSentencing reform actAnti-drug abuse act of 1986Information awareness officeEconomic stimulus act of 2008Respect for marriage actCole memorandumChina initiativeBudget control act of 2011Executive order 13768Protect america act of 2007Protect act of 20031926 slavery conventionSocial security amendments of 1965Alien tort statuteEducation amendments of 1972Repeal of the 2002 aumfNsc 68International whaling commissionAffordable care actCheck 21 actUnited nationsAdoption and safe families act