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Departure taxTax exileEmigrationLoss of citizenshipExpatriateIncome taxEmigration from the united statesNon-domGift tax in the united statesExciseEstate tax in the united statesTax evaderPay-as-you-earn taxTariffForeign earned income exclusionForeign tax creditAustralian permanent residentInheritance taxCorporate taxDividend taxExternal debtImmigrationBank transaction taxEconomic migrantTax evasionSelf-deportationTax collectorTax equalizationTax shieldFinancial transaction taxFuel taxGift taxForeign nationalCapital gains taxForeign currencyExcess profits taxSeverance taxForeign workerPersona non grataEstate taxTax havenLand taxTransfer taxProgressive taxPermanent residencyEconomic refugeeLandfill taxValue added taxOffshore investmentTax refundRegressive taxAbility to payQuit-rentNaturalizationGross receipts taxStealth taxTariff barrierIncome tax thresholdCapital flightStamp actTaxpayerRefugeeDouble taxationTax shelterExcise taxDenaturalizationPoll taxes in the united statesNet capital outflowTax creditRecaptureRight of abodeGraduate taxTravel documentTermination feeExileTax shiftLand value taxVisaCitizenTax lawExportationPoll taxAd valorem taxPersonal allowanceDutyBank taxTax withholdingTax avoidanceOffshoringDeposit interest retention taxDrawbackTax lienTax rateSales taxTobin taxAdjusted gross incomeTax dodgeHypothecationWithholding taxTermination of employment