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Corporate taxGross receipts taxIncome taxCapital gains taxForeign earned income exclusionValue added taxTax rateWindfall taxTariffDividend taxFinancial transaction taxGross incomeMaximum wageFat taxExciseAdjusted gross incomeProgressive taxCapital gainFuel taxTax refundSales taxIncome tax auditExcise taxIncome tax thresholdState income taxPayroll taxAlternative minimum taxFinance chargeTakeEstate tax in the united statesAd valorem taxBank transaction taxProtectionism in the united statesDouble taxationPersonal allowanceFranchise taxRevenueTax lawUse taxOvercollectionGift taxExcise tax in the united statesPay-as-you-earn taxExcess burden of taxationTax evasionTax creditExpatriation taxLandfill taxSeverance taxMisdeclarationUsuryGainPersonal incomeLuxury taxOverassessmentCapitalismIrs penaltiesTax shieldInheritance taxNuisance taxProfiteeringPersonal exemptionDeficit spendingTax evasion in the united statesClawbackEconomic rentSalt taxExcess reservesSurchargeRegressive taxProfit takingGovernment revenueRecaptureDirect taxExcessProduction externalityTurnover taxTariff barrierAbility to payPrivate costElectronic waste recycling feePrice ceilingGovernment takeStamp actLegal interestRetained earningsDeductibleC corporationRentTransfer taxAssetPrice gougingTax collectorStealth taxProperty tax in the united statesMarkup ruleBank taxCountervailing dutyTaxpayerProperty tax