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Eustathius of antiochTheophanes the confessorIsidore of kievTheodoretGennadius scholariusNikephoros i of constantinopleGemistos plethonMaximus the confessorProcopiusTheophylact of ohridJohn skylitzesMaximus planudesNicolaus of damascusJohn tzetzesTheodore the studiteApollodorus of athensBessarionEusebiusJohn scholasticusSeverus of antiochPope sixtus iTheodore of mopsuestiaMichael viTyrannius rufinusJohn philoponusJohn of ephesusGregory of nyssaCyril lucarisJulian of eclanumGeorge syncellusIgnatius of antiochNikephoros bryennios the youngerEpiphanius of salamisHephaestionPamphilus of caesareaAndronikos iii palaiologosMichael i cerulariusEudoxianAndronikos ii palaiologosEphrem the syrianAthanasius of alexandriaSynesiusAthenaeusGregory thaumaturgusTheodore i laskarisGeorge sphrantzesJohn komnenos molyvdosDio chrysostomEubulidesGregory v of constantinopleAristotleAetiusJohn romanidesTheon of alexandriaAnastasios iiStephanus of byzantiumJohn malalasTheophilus of edessaMichael viii palaiologosIldefonsusMichael psellosAlexios ii komnenosPaul of samosataAlexios i komnenosMelito of sardisClement of alexandriaNestoriusGeorge maniakesJohn iii doukas vatatzesPope eutychianOlympiodorus the youngerEvodiusAnselm of canterburyPope alexander ivDidymus the blindPope adeodatus iEliasHesychius of alexandriaNicholas mystikosHeraclius the elderAlexios iv angelosPope gregory iGeorge kedrenosDoukasAlexander of jerusalemAthenagoras of athensDionysius the areopagiteAristarchus of samothraceAthanasiusTheodore ii laskarisGermanus v of constantinopleRomanos iii argyrosPope anastasius iiiQuadratus of athensAlexander of aphrodisiasGeorgios papandreouPhilostratus of lemnosPhilo of byblosGermanus of auxerreNikephoros ii phokas